


Mission to Uganda.
In 2003 George participated in a short-term mission to
Uganda where the children there touched his heart so
deeply that he could hardly wait to return. He did so in
January 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 & 2011. George wrote the following report about this
mission trip.

"God put together people with may different and
unique talents for this trip. Everyone who came along had
a special gift from God. Some had a gift of teaching,
others were used to encourage the children and the
workers, still others had musical talent. We even had a
doctor with us!

Dr. Terry Grabner was such an asset to the ministry team.
He spent a week at the child care center in the village of
Bugongi where he say approximately 300 people who suffered
from a variety of illnesses. I also had the opportunity to
share the gospel to those who came seeking medical
On my trip in 2003 we had the opportunity to help start
a child-care center. When we left the foundation was
complete and a few walls had been set up. This year,
when I saw the completed project and all of the people
from the village waiting in front of the finished
center, I began to weep with joy! I felt a great pride knowing that I
had been given the opportunity to serve God by helping
those in Uganda.
While visiting the child-care center in the capital city
of Kampala, the children were asked how many of them had
been sponsored. Hands went up everywhere! I thought to
myself: "If only the sponsors could see this. Then
they could really
see the difference that they are making in the lives of these
There were moments on this trip that actually seemed
surreal, yet there were other times that reality hit
hard. One such time was when we stopped at a place along
the road where baby caskets were sold. The infant
mortality rate in Uganda is unbelievably high.

Additionally, many children
have lost at least one parent to AIDS. to those whom
both parents are living, many are so poor that
they don't even have the basic life-sustaining
necessities such as food or even clean water.
People need to know about Uganda, about the poverty,
about AIDS, and the beautiful children who are
suffering so horribly. |
Since 2004 more than 1500 children have
been sponsored as a direct result of George and his
ministry. We thank God for George and for those who
responded and provided this much-needed sponsorship.